WHAT are the advantages of e-learning?
Global accessibility, convenience
Cost effectiveness
Up-to-date records
Flexible supervision of the level of understanding
Easy updated content
Express design, modern training organization
Opportunity for experience-based education
HOW to implement e-learning?
The implementation of e-learning always involves two-steps:
Learning Management System
The first step in the process is to implement a learning management system (e.g., Moodle). This ensures that learners have access to e-learning content and their results can be tracked through reports.
The length of an implementation project can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the complexity of the needs and the level of integration.
e-learning Content
The e-learning content can be created from an internal substance (we recommend our related trainings) or it can be developed by ARTudásmenedzsment experts (see also e-learning content types).